Objectives 2018F

From Sean_Carver
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Objectives for Exam 1

  • In looking at side-by-side box plots, be able to tell which distribution is the greatest median, and which has the least median.
  • In looking at side-by-side box plots, be able to tell which distribution has the greatest iqr, and which has the least iqr.
  • In looking at side-by-side box plots, be able to tell which distribution has the least and greatest Q1 and Q3.
  • In looking at side-by-side box plots, be able to tell which distribution has the which has the greatest and least values in both a modified and unmodified box plot.
  • Know the 1.5*IQR Rule for suspected outliers. Be able to use this rule to:
  • Plug in a "where" function into StatCrunch/Summary Stats to count (statistic = n) the number of outliers in a box plot when they are too close to count by hand on the image.